A Heartwarming Beginning
In the small, picturesque town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, a story of resilience, hope, and community began in 2016. The Hadhad family, refugees from war-torn Syria, brought with them not just memories of their homeland but also a rich legacy of chocolate-making. For over 30 years, their chocolate business flourished in Damascus, but conflict forced them to flee. Starting anew in Canada, they rekindled their passion for chocolate, leading to the creation of Peace by Chocolate.
The Recipe for Success
What sets Peace by Chocolate apart is its unwavering commitment to quality and community. Each handcrafted chocolate is made with premium ingredients, combining traditional Syrian flavours with innovative designs. From velvety truffles to rich chocolate bars infused with pistachios, dates, and rosewater, the brand’s offerings are a harmonious blend of heritage and innovation.
The company operates with the philosophy that chocolate is more than just a treat—it’s a bridge to connect people. Their tagline, “One Peace Won’t Hurt,” reflects their belief in the power of unity and shared joy.
A Mission Beyond Business
Peace by Chocolate’s mission transcends selling chocolates. They have dedicated themselves to giving back, particularly to the Antigonish community that embraced them. A portion of their profits is donated to local and international humanitarian causes, from supporting refugees to providing disaster relief.
Their story has inspired countless individuals and organizations, making them a symbol of hope for the immigrant and refugee experience in Canada. The Hadhad family has shown that challenges can be transformed into opportunities with determination, community support, and a little sweetness.
Growing Nationwide and Beyond
From a modest kitchen operation, Peace by Chocolate has expanded to a state-of-the-art facility, distributing its products across Canada and internationally. They’ve partnered with major retailers and launched an online store, making their chocolates accessible to a global audience.
Despite their growth, the company remains deeply rooted in its core values. Each chocolate sold carries the essence of their journey, embodying messages of peace, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness.
Recognition and Milestones
Peace by Chocolate’s journey has garnered widespread acclaim. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spotlighted their success story during a United Nations address, lauding them as an example of the positive contributions of refugees.
In 2021, the Hadhad family story was adapted into a feature film, aptly titled Peace by Chocolate. The movie, which received critical acclaim, further amplified their message of hope and perseverance.
The Future of Peace by Chocolate
As Peace by Chocolate looks to the future, their vision remains steadfast: to continue spreading peace, one chocolate at a time. Plans include expanding their product line, reaching new international markets, and supporting more humanitarian initiatives.
They also aim to inspire other immigrant entrepreneurs, proving that it’s possible to build a successful business while staying true to one’s roots and values.
Final Thoughts
Peace by Chocolate is more than a chocolate company—it’s a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for resilience, creativity, and compassion. The Hadhad family’s journey from Damascus to Antigonish, and their transformation of hardship into an enduring legacy, serves as a reminder that peace and unity can indeed be shared, one sweet bite at a time.
For more about their story and products, visit Peace by Chocolate.